

Trademark Class Search


Trademark Class 45

Trademark Class 45: Legal and Security Services

Trademark Class 45 is for registering legal, social and security services. It mainly includes legal services; security services for the protection of individuals and property; social and personal services that are rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals.


Class 45 Group Class 45 Good

Safety, rescue, security and enforcement services

Baggage inspection for security purposes, fire-fighting, guards, inspection of factories for safety purposes, monitoring of burglar and security alarms, night guards, opening of security locks, personal background investigations, personal body guarding, rental of safes, rental of fire extinguishers, rental of fire alarms, security consultancy.

Personal and social services

Adoption agency services, baby sitting, chaperoning/escorting in society [chaperoning], genealogical research, house sitting, lost property return, pet sitting, planning and arranging of wedding ceremonies.

Astrological and spiritual services

Horoscope casting.

Rental of clothing

Clothing rental, evening dress rental.

Detective services

Detective agencies, missing person investigations.

Dating services

Dating services, marriage agencies.

Funerary services

Crematorium services, funerals, undertaking.

Religious services

Organization of religious meetings

Legal services

Alternative dispute resolution services, arbitration services, copyright management, intellectual property watching services, intellectual property consultancy, legal research, licensing of computer software [legal services], licensing of intellectual property, litigation services, mediation, registration of domain names [legal services].

Related (Coordinated) Classes: Class 35 - Advertising and Business Services, Class 36 - Insurance and Finance Services, Class 37 - Construction and Repair Services, Class 38 - Telecommunications Services, Class 39 - Shipping and Travel Services, Class 40 - Material Treatment Services, Class 41 - Education and Entertainment Services, Class 42 - Science and Technology Services, Class 43 - Food Services, Class 44 - Medical and Vet Services.

NOTE: Class 45 is NOT used if you are registering:

  • Professional services giving direct aid in the functions or operations of a commercial undertaking

  • Services that related to monetary or financial services and affairs dealing with insurance

  • Security transport

  • Escorting of travellers

  • Services that consist of all forms of education of persons

  • Performances of dancers or singers

  • Services provided by others to give hygienic, beauty and medical care for human beings and animals

  • Computer services for the protection of software



Class 45 is reserved for legal, security, social, and personal services aimed at meeting the needs of individuals, including legal representation, security consultancy, and personal bodyguarding services.
Yes, services like adoption agencies and marriage bureaus are covered under Class 45.
Yes. Funeral arrangements and crematorium services are indeed part of Class 45.
Yes. Detective agencies and services related to missing person investigations are included in Class 45.
Yes. Horoscope casting and similar astrological and spiritual services are covered by Class 45.
Yes. Clothing rental, including evening dress rental, is part of Class 45.
Legal services related to intellectual property consultancy, copyright management, and licensing are included in Class 45.
No. Class 45 does not include services directly aiding in the operations of a commercial undertaking, financial services, educational services, or services related to physical exercise and health clubs.

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