

Trademark Class Search


Trademark Class 43

Trademark Class 43: Restaurants and Food Services


For example, services dealing with short-term accommodation and places to eat and drink are included in Trademark Class 43. Hotel and restaurant services, catering and bar services, among others, fall under it.

You are going to get a monopoly right over your mark in the accommodation and food service sectors by registration under Class 43. Registration of your services like hotel stays and restaurant dining to catering and bar services will prevent unauthorised use, which will also help give your brand its uniqueness in the UK as well as elsewhere in the world.

Of the utmost interest to hotels and restaurants, Class 43 protection avoids infringement of your market presence by competitors and builds your brand's reputation as unique.

It has class 43 because with every 10 years renewable protection, your brand will stay safe and noted forever, making it a long-term property.

Here are the Items under Class 43

Temporary accommodation

holiday camp services [lodging], providing campground facilities, rental of tents, rental of transportable buildings, rental of temporary accommodation, temporary accommodation reservations, tourist homes.

Hotels, hostels and boarding houses, holiday and tourist accommodation

accommodation bureaux [hotels, boarding houses], boarding house bookings, boarding houses, hotel reservations, hotels, motels.

Nurseries, day-care and elderly care facilities

day-nurseries [crèches], retirement homes.

Event facilities and temporary office and meeting facilities

rental of meeting rooms.


food and drink catering,

Detergents for use in manufacture and industry

Detergents for use in manufacturing processes, milk ferments for industrial purposes.

Animal boarding

boarding for animals.

Rental of furniture, linens and table settings

rental of lighting apparatus other than for theatrical sets or television studios, rental of chairs, tables, table linen, glassware.

Provision of food and drink

bar services, cafés, cafeterias, canteens, rental of drinking water dispensers, rental of cooking apparatus, restaurants, self-service restaurants, snack-bars.

Related (Coordinated) Classes: Business Services, Class 36 - Insurance and Finance Services, Class 37 - Construction and Repair Services, Class 38 - Telecommunications Services, Class 39 - Shipping and Travel Services, Class 40 - Material Treatment Services, Class 41 - Education and Entertainment Services, Class 42 - Science and Technology Services, Class 44 - Medical and Vet Services, Class 45 - Legal and Security Services.

NOTE: Class 43 is NOT used if you are registering:

  • Rental services that are used for real estate such as flats, houses, etc., for permanent use.

  • Arranging travel by tourist agencies.

  • Preservation services for drinks and food and drink.

  • Discotheque services.

  • Boarding schools.

  • Rest and convalescent homes.



Class 43 is dedicated to services related to providing food and drink for consumption and temporary accommodation. This includes services by establishments aimed at preparing food and drinks, and those providing bed and board in hotels or similar establishments.
Yes, hotel reservations, including services provided by hotels, motels, and boarding houses, are covered under Class 43.
Indeed, Class 43 encompasses catering services for the provision of food and drink.
Class 43 includes the rental of furniture, linens, and table settings essential for hosting events.
Yes, services like holiday camp lodging, rental of tents, and temporary accommodation reservations are included in Class 43.
Class 43 covers services like day-nurseries (crèches) and retirement homes, focusing on care facilities.
Yes, rental services related to cooking apparatus and drinking water dispensers are included in Class 43.
Class 43 does not cover rental services for real estate, arranging travel by tourist agencies, preservation services for food and drink, and services related to education or performances.

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