

Trademark Class Search


Trademark Class 42

Trademark Class 42: Scientific and Technological Services


Trademark Class 42 pertains to services, such as scientific, design and technical services, while industrial analysis and research services are also included. This class embraces the widest possible spectrum of services in scientific research, technological development, and industrial consultation services.

Once registered under Class 42, your brand would enjoy exclusive rights in science, technology, and industrial research. That is, your services like scientific research, technological design to industrial analysis, or developing computer hardware would be protected from such infringements to make your brand unique domestically as well as abroad.

Class 42 protection is very important to any business that considers itself a researcher, one that offers technology, and a firm that provides design services. It keeps away the competitors who wish to step into your market space and marks the uniqueness of your brand.

Renewed every 10 years, Class 42 provides you with continuous legal protection, ensuring that your brand is protected and recognised over time.

Here are the Items under Class 42

IT services

computer system analysis, computer system design, monitoring of computer systems by remote access.

Software development, programming and implementation

computer programming, computer software design, updating of computer software, computer software consultancy, creating and maintaining web sites for others, installation of computer software, maintenance of computer software.

Computer hardware development

consultancy in the design and development of computer hardware.

Hosting services and software as a service and rental of software

hosting computer sites [web sites], providing search engines for the internet, rental of computer software, rental of web servers, server hosting, software as a service [SaaS].

Rental of computer hardware and facilities

computer rental.

IT consultancy, advisory and information services

information technology [IT] consulting services.

IT security, protection and restoration

computer virus protection services, recovery of computer data.

Data duplication and conversion services, data coding services

conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media, data conversion of computer programs and data [not physical conversion], digitization of documents [scanning], duplication of computer programs.

Science and technology services

calibration [measuring], construction drafting, consultancy in the field of energy-saving, cosmetic research, energy auditing, quality evaluation of wool, quality evaluation of standing timber/quality valuation of standing timber, handwriting analysis [graphology], scientific laboratory services, mechanical research, technical project studies, research and development of new products for others, scientific research, technical research, water analysis.

Medical and pharmacological research services

clinical trials.

Engineering services


Surveying and exploration

analysis for oil-field exploitation, geological research, geological prospecting, geological surveys, land surveying/land surveys, oil prospecting, oil-field surveys, oil-well testing, surveying, underwater exploration.

Architectural and urban planning services

architectural consultation, architecture, urban planning.

Natural science services

bacteriological research, biological research, chemical research, chemical analysis, chemistry services, physics [research].

Earth science services

cloud seeding, provision of scientific information, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon offsetting, research in the field of environmental protection, weather forecasting/meteorological information.

Testing, authentication and quality control

authenticating works of art, material testing, quality control, textile testing, vehicle roadworthiness testing.

Design services

design of interior decor, dress designing, graphic arts design, industrial design, packaging design/packaging design services, styling [industrial design], web site design consultancy.

Related (Coordinated) Classes: Business Services, Class 36 - Insurance and Finance Services, Class 37 - Construction and Repair Services, Class 38 - Telecommunications Services, Class 39 - Shipping and Travel Services, Class 40 - Material Treatment Services, Class 41 - Education and Entertainment Services, Class 43 - Food Services, Class 44 - Medical and Vet Services, Class 45 - Legal and Security Services.

NOTE: Class 42 is NOT used if you are registering:

  • Business research and evaluations.

  • Garden design.

  • Legal services.

  • Word processing and computer file management services.

  • Fiscal and financial evaluations.

  • Oil and mining extraction.

  • Installation of computer (hardware) and repair services.

  • Services provided by the members of professions such as psychoanalysts, medical doctors, veterinary surgeons.

  • Medical treatment services



Class 42 is designated for scientific and technical services, including scientific research, design, and development in various fields like computer technology, engineering, and architectural services.
IT services such as computer system analysis, design, remote monitoring, and consultancy in the development of computer hardware are covered under Class 42.
Yes, computer programming, software design, maintenance, and consultancy, along with the creation and maintenance of websites, are included in Class 42.
Yes, Class 42 covers the rental of computer software, web servers, and even computer hardware.
Class 42 offers IT consultancy, advisory, and information services, especially in the fields of technology and scientific research.
Yes, services like IT security, data recovery, data duplication, and conversion are included in Class 42.
Engineering services, including technical project studies, engineering, and surveying for oil field exploitation or geological research, are part of Class 42.
Yes, Class 42 encompasses design services related to interior decor, industrial design, and web site design consultancy.

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