

Trademark Class Search


Trademark Class 41

Trademark Class 41: Education and Entertainment Services

Trademark Class 41 is for registering a trademark for training, education, and sports and entertainment services. It includes sporting and cultural activities; services for education; providing of training; entertainment. Class 41 mainly covers services that are rendered by institutions or persons in the development of the mental faculties of animals or persons, and services intended to engage or entertain the attention.


Class 41 Group Class 41 Good

Publishing and reporting

calligraphy services, electronic desktop publishing, layout services, other than for advertising purposes, news reporters services, providing on-line electronic publications, not downloadable, publication of texts, other than publicity texts, publication of books, publication of electronic books and journals on-line, writing of texts, other than publicity texts.

Education, entertainment and sports

amusement parks, arranging of beauty contests, arranging and conducting of concerts, booking of seats for shows, cinema presentations/movie theatre presentations, circuses, club services [entertainment or education], disc jockey services, discotheque services, entertainer services, entertainment/amusements, entertainment information, game services provided on-line from a computer network, games equipment rental, holiday camp services [entertainment], presentation of live performances, modelling for artists, movie studios, music composition services, music-halls, night clubs, orchestra services, organization of shows [impresario services], organization of balls, party planning [entertainment], photographic reporting, photography, production of shows, production of radio and television programmes, providing amusement arcade services, providing karaoke services, radio entertainment, providing recreation facilities, recreation information, rental of movie projectors and accessories, rental of stage scenery, rental of show scenery, rental of cine-films/rental of motion pictures, rental of sound recordings, rental of videotapes, rental of video cassette recorders, rental of radio and television sets, rental of audio equipment, rental of lighting apparatus for theatrical sets or television studios, rental of video cameras/rental of camcorders, scriptwriting services, services of schools [education], subtitling, television entertainment, theatre productions, ticket agency services [entertainment], toy rental, zoological garden services.

Conferences, exhibitions and competitions

arranging and conducting of congresses, arranging and conducting of conferences, arranging and conducting of seminars, arranging and conducting of symposiums, organization of fashion shows for entertainment purposes, providing museum facilities [presentation, exhibitions], organization of competitions [education or entertainment], organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes.


providing casino facilities [gambling], gambling, operating lotteries.

Audio and video production, and photography

dubbing, film production, other than advertising films, microfilming, production of music, recording studio services, videotape film production, videotape editing, videotaping.

Sports and fitness

coaching [training], conducting fitness classes, providing golf facilities, health club services [health and fitness training], organization of sports competitions, personal trainer services [fitness training], providing sports facilities, rental of skin diving equipment, rental of sports equipment, except vehicles, rental of stadium facilities, rental of tennis courts, rental of sports grounds, sport camp services, timing of sports events.

Library services

lending libraries, mobile library services/bookmobile services.

Education and instruction

academies [education], animal training, arranging and conducting of colloquiums, arranging and conducting of workshops [training], boarding schools, correspondence courses, education information, educational examination, gymnastic instruction, nursery schools, physical education, practical training [demonstration], religious education, teaching/educational services/instruction services/tuition, vocational guidance [education or training advice], vocational retraining.

Translation and interpretation

language interpreter services, sign language interpretation, translation.

Related (Coordinated) Classes: Business Services, Class 36 - Insurance and Finance Services, Class 37 - Construction and Repair Services, Class 38 - Telecommunications Services, Class 39 - Shipping and Travel Services, Class 40 - Material Treatment Services, Class 42 - Science and Technology Services, Class 43 - Food Services, Class 44 - Medical and Vet Services, Class 45 - Legal and Security Services.

NOTE: Class 41 is NOT used if you are registering:

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    Trademark Class 41 covers services for training, education, sports, and entertainment. This includes services aimed at the development of mental faculties and engaging or entertaining attention, such as sporting and cultural activities, education, training, and various forms of entertainment.
    Services under Class 41 include publishing and reporting, education and entertainment services like amusement parks and concerts, sports services including coaching and fitness classes, and various forms of artistic and cultural exhibitions.
    Yes, Class 41 also encompasses the organization of conferences, exhibitions, and competitions for cultural, educational, or entertainment purposes.
    Gambling services, such as providing casino facilities and operating lotteries, fall under Class 41.
    Yes, services like film production, recording studio services, and photography are included in Class 41.
    Yes, Class 41 includes services related to sports and fitness, such as providing sports facilities, coaching, and conducting fitness classes.
    Yes, lending libraries and mobile library services are part of Class 41.
    No, translation and interpretation services are generally not included in Class 41. They are covered under different classes depending on the nature of the service.

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