

Trademark Class Search


Trademark Class 36

Trademark Class 36: Insurance and Financial Services


Class 36 of a trademark includes services such as insurance, financial affairs, monetary affairs, and real estate. This class, therefore, covers all types of financial services involved in keeping the insured persons or property safe, such as banking and investments, and management of real estate.

By registering Class 36, you are ensuring that exclusive rights to your brand in the financial and insurance services field are maintained. It safeguards your services ranging from insurance policies, financial management, to actual transactions in real estate that do not infringe to ensure your brand is unique within both domestic and international markets.

For a financial services and real estate business, class 36 protection is particularly important so that competitors are prevented from using your brand name. Class 36 protection allows you to stake your claim in a given market through emphasis on the availability of such services as financial advisory, accounting, and financial management.

Renewable protection every 10 years means Class 36 provides continued legal security, so that your brand stays protected and recognised for generations to come.

Here are the Items under Class 36

Insurance services

actuarial services, insurance brokerage, insurance information, insurance consultancy.

Insurance underwriting and appraisals and assessment for insurance purposes

accident insurance underwriting, fire insurance underwriting, health insurance underwriting, insurance underwriting, life insurance underwriting, marine insurance underwriting.

Rent collection

rent collection.



Provision of prepaid cards and tokens

issue of tokens of value, issuing of travellers' checks [cheques].

Safe deposit services

deposits of valuables, safe deposit services, Financial and monetary services, and banking, banking, brokerage, brokerage of carbon credits, business liquidation services, financial, financial management, financing services, home banking, savings bank services, trusteeship/fiduciary.

Currency trading and exchange services

exchanging money.

Securities and commodities trading services

clearing, financial/clearing-houses, financial, securities brokerage/stocks and bonds brokerage, stock exchange quotations, stock brokerage services.

Loan and credit, and lease-finance services

credit bureaux, hire-purchase financing/lease-purchase financing, instalment loans, lending against security, loans [financing], mortgage banking, surety services/bail-bonding/guarantees

Debt recovery and factoring services

debt collection agencies, factoring, Investment services, capital investments/fund investments/capital investment, Fund investments, mutual funds, provident fund services.

Financial underwriting and securities issuance (investment banking), Financial transfers and transactions, and payment services

retirement payment services, electronic funds transfer.

Cash, check (cheque) and money order services, Card services

credit card services, debit card services, issuance of credit cards.

Tax and duty payment services

customs brokerage.

Financial information, data, advice and consultancy services

financial analysis, check [cheque] verification, debt advisory services, financial information, financial consultancy, repair costs evaluation [financial appraisal].

Financial rating and credit reports, Financial appraisal services

financial evaluation [insurance, banking, real estate], fiscal assessments/fiscal valuations, Fundraising and sponsorship, charitable fund raising, financial sponsorship, organization of collections.

Valuation services

antique appraisal, jewelry appraisal, art appraisal, financial evaluation of wool, financial evaluation of standing timber/financial valuation of standing timber, numismatic appraisal, real estate appraisal, stamp appraisal.

Related (Coordinated) Classes: Class 35 - Advertising and Business Services, Class 37 - Construction and Repair Services, Class 38 - Telecommunications Services, Class 39 - Shipping and Travel Services, Class 40 - Material Treatment Services, Class 41 - Education and Entertainment Services, Class 42 - Science and Technology Services, Class 43 - Food Services, Class 44 - Medical and Vet Services, Class 45 - Legal and Security Services.

NOTE: Class 36 is NOT used if you are registering:

    TM Ad
    TM Ad


    Trademark Class 36 covers a wide array of services related to financial affairs, monetary affairs, real estate affairs, and insurance. This includes various types of insurance services, banking, financial management, monetary transactions, real estate appraisal, and investment services.
    Yes, all forms of insurance services, including underwriting, brokerage, consultancy, and appraisals for insurance purposes, are registrable under Trademark Class 36.
    Real estate services, including rent collection, real estate appraisal, and leasing of real estate, are part of Trademark Class 36.
    Class 36 encompasses a broad spectrum of financial services such as banking, loan and credit services, investment services, financial analysis and consultancy, as well as debt recovery and factoring services.
    Yes, pawnbrokerage services fall under the purview of Trademark Class 36.
    Yes, services like the issue of tokens of value and issuing of travelers' checks are included in Trademark Class 36.
    Financial evaluation and appraisal services, including valuation of real estate, antiques, jewelry, art, and numismatic appraisal, are covered by Trademark Class 36.
    Yes, services related to financial sponsorship, charitable fundraising, and organization of collections can be trademarked under Class 36.

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