

Trademark Class Search


Trademark Class 30

Trademark Class 30: Flour, Coffee, Rice Products

Trademark Class 30 is for registering a trademark for flour, coffee, cereals, breads, and confectionaries and rice. It mainly includes tea, coffee, artificial coffee and cocoa; rice; sago and tapioca; flour and preparations that are made from cereals; pastry, bread and confectionery; honey, sugar, treacle; ices; baking-powder, yeast; mustard; salt; sauces, vinegar (condiments); spices; ice.


Class 30 Group Class 30 Good

Convenience food and savory snacks

cereal-based snack food, cheeseburgers [sandwiches], chips [cereal products], corn, roasted/maize, roasted, meat pies, noodle-based prepared meals, pasties.

Cookies ingredients, almond paste

almond confectionery, baking soda [bicarbonate of soda for cooking purposes], beer vinegar, cooking salt, sea water for cooking, aromatic preparations for food, baking powder.


chocolate beverages with milk, chocolate mousses, chocolate decorations for cakes, chocolate-based beverages, chocolate-coated nuts, cinnamon [spice], cocoa, cocoa beverages with milk, cocoa-based beverages, confectionery / sugar confectionery, custard, dessert mousses [confectionery], caramels, candy, candy decorations for cakes, cake frosting [icing].


coffee beverages with milk, coffee-based beverages, coffee flavorings [flavorings], tea, tea-based beverages.


rice cakes, rice pudding, rice-based snack food.


bread rolls, breadcrumbs, buns, cake powder, cake dough, cake batter, cakes, biscuits / cookies, waffles, wheat flour, wheat germ for human consumption, yeast, crushed oats, unleavened bread, dough, tarts.

Related (Coordinated) Classes: Class 1 - Chemicals, Class 5 - Pharmaceuticals, Class 29 - Meat, Fish, Poultry, Class 31 - Grains, Agriculture, Class 32 - Beers and Beverages, Class 33 - Alcoholic Beverages, Class 35 - Advertising and Business Services, Class 42 - Science and Technology Services, and Class 43 - Food Services .

NOTE: Class 30 is NOT used if you are registering:

  • Salt used for preserving other than for foodstuffs

  • Medicinal teas and dietetic food and substances that have been adapted for medical use

  • Dietary supplements

  • Baby foods

  • Foodstuffs for animals

  • Raw cereals



Trademark Class 30 is dedicated to a range of consumable goods, particularly focusing on items like tea, coffee, cocoa, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee, flours, and cereal preparations. It also extends to bread, pastries, confectionery, ices, sugar, honey, treacle, yeast, baking powder, salt, mustard, vinegar, sauces (condiments), spices, and ice.
Yes, bakery products such as bread, cakes, pastries, and other baked goods are all encompassed within Class 30, highlighting the class's focus on staple food items and sweet treats.
Coffee and tea, along with their related products like coffee-based beverages, tea-based beverages, and artificial coffee, are significant components of Class 30, catering to a broad spectrum of preferences and preparations.
Spices, condiments, and related seasoning products like mustard and vinegar are integral to Class 30, covering a wide array of flavor-enhancing ingredients used in cooking and food preparation.
Yes, cereal products, including breakfast cereals, cereal bars, and other cereal-based snacks, are covered under Class 30, reflecting the class's inclusion of both staple and snack food items derived from grains.
Confectionery items, including chocolates, candies, and sweet pastries, are a key part of Class 30, accommodating a vast range of sweet treats and dessert items.
Yes, edible ices, ice creams, and similar frozen desserts fall under Class 30, catering to the dessert and refreshment segment within the food industry.
While Class 30 covers traditional sweeteners like sugar and honey, sugar substitutes used primarily for dietary purposes may be classified differently, often in classes related to dietary supplements or health foods.

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