Standard Life Investments Limited & Logo

Standard Life Investments Limited & Logo


clockUpdated Feb 05, 2018
Standard Life Investments Limited & Logo is a Trademark filed on Aug 10, 2012 in through IP Office.The Trademark is registered to STANDARD LIFE INVESTMENTS LIMITED and was filed by attorney.

Standard Life Investments Limited & Logo Trademark Information

Application ID2379062
Date of ApplicationAug 10, 2012
Class(es)42, 16, 36, 35
Registration State-
Filing Mode-
IP Office-
Used Since-

[Class - 16]

Printed publications; publicity and promotional material; books, picture books, magazines, periodicals and supplements; brochures and catalogues; fact sheets, pamphlets and leaflets; paper and paper articles; cardboard and cardboard articles; stationery, including pens, pencils, crayons, pencil cases, erasers, rulers, posters, markers, pencil sharpeners, pictures and prints, stickers, paperweights, diaries and calendars; all the aforesaid goods relating to or for the promotion of financial services.

[Class - 36]

Financial services; financial consultancy; asset management services; financial management and administration; financial sponsorship; financial analysis and evaluation; financial portfolio management services; provision of financial information; banking; investments; insurance; trust management, unit trust and mutual fund services, financial trusteeship, fund investment management; corporate financing; pension services; loan services, personal loan financing, arranging of loans; mortgage and mortgage broking services; real estate agency, real estate management and real estate leasing services; leasing of commercial properties; property and real estate financing and investment; property management and valuation; credit services; actuarial services; financial appraisal services; assurance services; actuarial services; underwriting services; insurance underwriting; insurance brokerage; risk assessment and risk consultancy and management services; advisory, consultancy and information services relating to all the aforesaid services; all the aforesaid services including those provided online from a computer database or the Internet.

[Class - 35]

Business services; business consultancy services; business management services; business information services; accounting and auditing services; tax and taxation planning; personnel services; personnel and human resources consultancy and information services; payroll processing services; computerised database management services; statistical information services; electronic data storage; data processing; provision and compilation of business information; business services relating to the provision of sponsorship; promotional services; advisory, consultancy and information services all relating to all the aforesaid services; all the aforesaid services including those provided online from a computer database or the Internet.

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FAQ's for Standard Life Investments Limited & Logo Trademark

The application for Standard Life Investments Limited & Logo was made on Aug 10, 2012
The trademark applicant for Standard Life Investments Limited & Logo is STANDARD LIFE INVESTMENTS LIMITED.
Trademark application has been filed under the class(es) 42,16,36,35.
As per IP India, trademark application is on the following stage: Objected.
Listed application Id of Standard Life Investments Limited & Logo is 2379062.
Standard Life Investments Limited & Logo Trademark is a undefined mark.
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