

clockUpdated Jul 22, 2022
Sikori is a Trademark filed on Dec 19, 2018 in through IP Office.The Trademark is registered to (1) SIKORI FOODS LLPPartnership Firm Details : The Partners are:1)Mrs.Jyoti Poddar, 2) Mr.Raj Kumar Poddar,3)Mr. Himanshu Poddar,4)Mr. Deoki Nandan Poddar and was filed by attorney.

Sikori Trademark Information

Application ID4031096
Proprietor(s)(1) SIKORI FOODS LLPPartnership Firm Details : The Partners are:1)Mrs.Jyoti Poddar, 2) Mr.Raj Kumar Poddar,3)Mr. Himanshu Poddar,4)Mr. Deoki Nandan Poddar
Date of ApplicationDec 19, 2018
Class(es)29, 30, 35, 43
Registration State-
Filing Mode-
IP Office-
Used Since-

[Class - 30]

Savoury tarts;Savoury pastries;Savoury pies; Savoury biscuits Bhujia(cereal based fried snacks);Bhel Puri (puffed rice based Indian Snacks);Chips [cereal products]; Chocolate chips; Corn chips; Confectionery chips for baking; Chocolates; Chocolate wafers; Rice-based snacks; Wheat-based snacks; Papad (Cereal based snacks); Cheese flavoured corn snacks; Cheese-flavored corn snacks; Ready to eat savory snack foods made from maize meal formed by extrusion; Sweets; Ice creams; Bread Cheese-flavored puffed corn snacks; Confectionery; Chocolate confections; Chikki (confectionery);Halwa (confectionery); Peanut confectionery; Sugar confectionery; corn; corn chips; tortilla chips, rice chips, rice cakes, rice crackers, crackers, pretzels, puffed snacks; snack bars; candied popcorn and peanuts; snack food dipping sauces; salsas; snack bars; biscuits ;cakes; cookies; croissants; Bread; pastries and confectionery ;Biscuits; Almond biscuits; sweet pickled; Pickled Ginger

[Class - 29]

Fruits, dried; Dried fruits; Dried fruits and vegetables; Dried fruits in powder form; Preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; Preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; Frozen, preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; Dates; Dates, processed; Dates, dried; Prepared dates; Dates, prepared; Dried dates; Processed dates; Toasted nuts; Nuts, processed; Roast nuts; Roasted nuts; Spiced nuts; Dried nuts; Preserved nuts; Ground nuts; Prepared nuts; Seasoned nuts; Figs, processed; Figs, dried; Dried figs; Figs, prepared; Prepared grapes; Milk and milk products

[Class - 35]

Online ordering services; Computerized online ordering services; Wholesale store services featuring confectionery; Online wholesale store services featuring confectionery; Retail store services featuring confectionery; Online retail store services featuring confectionery; Wholesale services for confectionery; Retail services for confectionery; Retail or wholesale services for confectionery, bread and buns, sweets

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FAQ's for Sikori Trademark

The application for Sikori was made on Dec 19, 2018
The trademark applicant for Sikori is (1) SIKORI FOODS LLPPartnership Firm Details : The Partners are:1)Mrs.Jyoti Poddar, 2) Mr.Raj Kumar Poddar,3)Mr. Himanshu Poddar,4)Mr. Deoki Nandan Poddar.
Trademark application has been filed under the class(es) 29,30,35,43.
As per IP India, trademark application is on the following stage: Registered.
Listed application Id of Sikori is 4031096.
Sikori Trademark is a undefined mark.
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