

clockUpdated Feb 05, 2018
sgk is a Trademark filed on Oct 03, 2013 in through IP Office.The Trademark is registered to MATHEWS RESOURCES INC., and was filed by attorney.

sgk Trademark Information

Application ID2606593
Date of ApplicationOct 03, 2013
Class(es)35, 40, 42
Registration State-
Filing Mode-
IP Office-
Used Since-

[Class - 35]

Computerized database management services for providing and assisting others in keeping track of images for packaging, brand and corporate identity, and advertising and marketing materials; pre-press printing operations in the nature of computerized database management of images, job specifications and telecommunications; business management and consultation services, namely, providing outsourcing services to clients in the field of digital imaging; management of digital imaging facilities for others, including production management; database management of computer systems; advertising and marketing services, namely, creating corporate and brand identity for others; advertising and marketing services, namely, promoting the brands, goods and services of others; brand concept, brand design, and brand development services for corporate and individual clients; brand evaluation services; brand imagery consulting services; brand positioning services; branding services, namely, consulting, development, management and marketing of brands for businesses and/or individuals; marketing and consulting services in the field of promoting and tracking the goods, services, and brands of others through all public communication means; promoting, marketing and advertising the brands and goods of others related to all industries, through all public and private communication means, namely, promoting the brands and goods of others made in the United States; marketing and branding services, namely, providing customized communication programs to obtain consumer insights and develop branding strategies, business monitoring and consulting services, namely, tracking web sites and applications of others to provide strategy, insight, marketing, sales, operation, product design, particularly specializing in the use of analytic and statistic models for the understanding and predicting of consumers, businesses, and market trends and actions; providing business research and insight in the field of brand strategy, brand creation, brand development, and the selling and marketing of brands; innovation consulting services, namely, advising others in the areas of brand creation, brand development and the selling and marketing of brands; development of marketing strategies, concepts and tactics, namely audience development, brand awareness, online community building and digital word of mouth communications; graphic supply chain management services; business consultation services in the field of continuous improvement related to graphic supply chain workflow, and tools and technology for efficiency and speed in the graphic supply chain

[Class - 42]

Computer services, namely providing computer consulting services for maintaining and running computer software and hardware systems at the client or at a remote location through the hosting of the software for others, for creating and keeping track of pre-press printing artwork, including the creation, archiving and managing of such images and job specifications, as well as for laying out images and text; computer animation design for others, graphic art services, namely, art production, electronic engineering in the pre-press industry; computer project management services, namely, on-site facility management services, namely, client location services for image operations; complete pre-press services, namely, art production design; graphic art design, layout and production services; engineering services in the consumer products and packaging industry; design and implementation of software and technology solutions for the purpose of product and document authentication and tracking, and brand monitoring and protection, to protect against counterfeiting, tampering, and diversion, and to ensure the integrity of genuine products and documents; innovation consulting services, namely, advising others in the areas of product development; packaging design; design services for packaging; structural packaging design; shop interior design; planning and layout design services for interior space of retail business establishments

Related trademark



Class -19


Class -4


Class -5


Class -16


Class -12


Class -40,42,35,

FAQ's for sgk Trademark

The application for sgk was made on Oct 03, 2013
The trademark applicant for sgk is MATHEWS RESOURCES INC.,.
Trademark application has been filed under the class(es) 35,40,42.
As per IP India, trademark application is on the following stage: Objected.
Listed application Id of sgk is 2606593.
sgk Trademark is a undefined mark.
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