

clockUpdated Feb 02, 2018
RSP is a Trademark filed on Oct 13, 2016 in through IP Office.The Trademark is registered to Koenig & Bauer AG and was filed by attorney.

RSP Trademark Information

Application ID3551529
Proprietor(s)Koenig & Bauer AG
Date of ApplicationOct 13, 2016
Class(es)37, 7
Registration State-
Filing Mode-
IP Office-
Used Since-

[Class - 7]

Printing machines; offset rotary printing machines; web fed rotary printing machines; sheet fed rotary printing machines; screen printing machines; pad printing machines; flexographic printing machines; intaglio printing machines; printing machines for use on sheet metal; painting machines; packing machines; coating machines, in particular working rotationally, for web-type and separate materials; digital printing and marking machines based on electrophotography, magnetography, xerography, ink jet; ink jet printing machines; exposure apparatus, being parts for printing machines for contact printing or creating circuit and print templates; numbering, encoding, imprinting and marking machines, in particular for the graphics sector, the packaging sector and data processing; thermal transfer machines; laser marking machines; laser printing machines; rotary die-cutters for punching of printed matter or paper or plastics; machines for the graphics industry; machines and mechanical apparatus for the further processing of printed matter or paper or plastics or metal or organic or inorganic materials, namely for cutting, punching, folding, gathering, clipping, packing, collecting, sorting, binding, scanning, perforating, gluing, stapling, tying, bundling, book-binding; printing plates; accessories, included in this class, for the aforesaid printing machines, offset printing machines, flexographic printing machines, lacquering machines, packaging machines, coating machines, digital printing and marking machines, inkjet printing machines and for machines and mechanical apparatus for the graphics industry, and for machines and mechanical apparatus for the further processing of printed matter or paper or plastics or metal or organic or inorganic materials, namely control apparatus, printer engines, inking apparatus, damping units, lacquering units, reel changers, folding apparatus; machines and mechanical apparatus for the storing of printed matter or paper or paper reels or plastics or plastic reels or metal or organic or inorganic materials for printing machines, offset printing machines, flexographic printing machines, lacquering machines, packaging machines, coating machines, digital printing and marking machines, inkjet printing machines, inkjet printers, in particular having one or more inkjets, single-colour or multi-colour inkjet printers and for machines and mechanical apparatus for the graphics industry, and for machines and mechanical apparatus for the further processing of printed matter or paper or plastics or metal or organic or inorganic materials; conveying machines, conveyor belts, conveying apparatus for conveying printed matter or paper or paper reels or plastics or plastic reels or metal or organic or inorganic materials for printing machines, offset printing machines, flexographic printing machines, lacquering machines, packaging machines, coating machines, digital printing and marking machines, inkjet printing machines, inkjet printers, in particular having one or more inkjets, single-colour or multi-colour inkjet printers and for machines and mechanical apparatus for the graphics industry, and for machines and mechanical apparatus for the further processing of printed matter or paper or plastics or metal or organic or inorganic materials; machines and mechanical apparatus for the changing and/or bending and/or punching of printing plates; machines and mechanical apparatus for the storing of printing plates for printing machines; conveying machines, conveyor belts, conveying apparatus for conveying printing plates for printing machines; machines and mechanical apparatus for the cleaning of rollers in inking apparatus or damping units and/or cylinders and/or lacquering units and/or inkjet print heads and/or laser systems in printing machines, offset printing machines, flexographic printing machines, lacquering machines, packaging machines, coating machines, digital printing and marking machines, inkjet printing machines, inkjet printers, in particular having one or more inkjets, single-colour or multi-colour inkjet printers and in machines and mechanical apparatus for the graphics industry, and in machines and mechanical apparatus for the further processing of printed matter or paper or plastics or metal or organic or inorganic materials; machines and mechanical apparatus for storing and/or adjusting rollers in inking apparatus or damping units and/or cylinders and/or coating units and/or inkjet printing modules and/or laser systems in printing machines, offset printing machines, flexographic printing machines, painting machines, packaging machines, coating machines, digital printing and marking machines, inkjet printing machines, inkjet printers, in particular with one or more inkjets, single-colour or multi-colour inkjet printers, and machines and mechanical apparatus for the graphics industry and machines and mechanical apparatus for the further processing of printed matter or paper or plastics or metal or organic or inorganic materials; machines and mechanical apparatus for adjustment, for inking apparatus and/or damping units and/or printer engine cylinders and/or for lacquering units in printer engines and/or in lacquering units and/or for inkjet printing modules and/or laser systems; parts for inking apparatus and/or damping units and/or inkjet printing modules and/or laser systems and cylinders in tempering machines, included in this class; machines and mechanical apparatus for the adjustment of cutting equipment and/or cutting cylinders in printing machines, offset printing machines, flexographic printing machines, lacquering machines, packaging machines, coating machines, digital printing and marking machines, inkjet printing machines, inkjet printers, in particular having one or more inkjets, single-colour or multi-colour inkjet printers and in machines and mechanical apparatus for the graphics industry, and in machines and mechanical apparatus for the further processing of printed matter or paper or plastics or metal or organic or inorganic materials; machines and mechanical apparatus for the adjustment of registers and/or register marks in printing machines, offset printing machines, flexographic printing machines, lacquering machines, packaging machines, coating machines, digital printing and marking machines, inkjet printing machines, inkjet printers, in particular having one or more inkjets, single-colour or multi-colour inkjet printers and in machines and mechanical apparatus for the graphics industry, and in machines and mechanical apparatus for the further processing of printed matter or paper or plastics or metal or organic or inorganic materials; machines and mechanical apparatus for quality control in printing machines, offset printing machines, flexographic printing machines, lacquering machines, packaging machines, coating machines, digital printing and marking machines, inkjet printing machines, inkjet printers, in particular having one or more inkjets, single-colour or multi-colour inkjet printers and in machines and mechanical apparatus for the graphics industry, and in machines and mechanical apparatus for the further processing of printed matter or paper or plastics or metal or organic or inorganic materials; machines and mechanical apparatus for the adjustment of web tension settings in printing machines, offset printing machines, flexographic printing machines, lacquering machines, packaging machines, coating machines, digital printing and marking machines, inkjet printing machines, inkjet printers, in particular having one or more inkjets, single-colour or multi-colour inkjet printers and in machines and mechanical apparatus for the graphics industry, and in machines and mechanical apparatus for the further processing of printed matter or paper or plastics or metal or organic or inorganic materials; palette changing and transferring machines; stacking machines; machines for handling sheets; machines and mechanical apparatus for producing product security means, identification features, security features, security labels, securities, banknotes and/or components therefor; machines and mechanical apparatus for applying product security means, identification features, security features, security labels and/or components therefor; machines and mechanical apparatus for packaging product security means, identification features, security features, security labels, securities, banknotes and/or components therefor; machines and mechanical apparatus for quality control in machines for producing product security means, identification features, security features, security labels, securities, banknotes and/or components therefor; machines and mechanical apparatus for quality control in machines for applying product security means, identification features, security features, security labels and/or components therefor; machines and mechanical apparatus for quality control in machines for packaging product security means, identification features, security features, security labels, securities, banknotes and/or components therefor; machines and mechanical apparatus for quality control of product security means, identification features, security features, security labels, securities, banknotes and/or components therefor; parts for the aforesaid goods and accessories for the aforesaid goods, included in this class.

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FAQ's for RSP Trademark

The application for RSP was made on Oct 13, 2016
The trademark applicant for RSP is Koenig & Bauer AG.
Trademark application has been filed under the class(es) 37,7.
As per IP India, trademark application is on the following stage: Objected.
Listed application Id of RSP is 3551529.
RSP Trademark is a undefined mark.
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