

clockUpdated Jan 25, 2018
PLEXUX is a Trademark filed on Feb 21, 2014 in through IP Office.The Trademark is registered to PLEXUS HOLDINGS, PLC and was filed by attorney.

PLEXUX Trademark Information

Application ID2846220
Date of ApplicationFeb 21, 2014
Class(es)6, 42, 7, 37
Registration State-
Filing Mode-
IP Office-
Used Since-

[Class - 42]

Design services relating to oil and gas well structures; engineering services; oil and gas engineering services; research and development of wellhead systems; design of wellhead systems; design and testing of wellhead and mudline equipment; engineering project management services; engineering project planning services; engineering design and consultancy services; subsea and offshore engineering services; technical inspection services; inspection of goods for quality control; engineering, research, design and inspection services for goods for use in drilling and completing oil and gas wells and in the production of oil and gas from wells; engineering, research, design and inspection services for wellheads, Christmas trees for oil and gas wells, valves, risers, riser connectors, pipeline connectors, pipeline repair tools, jumper connectors, metal to metal seals, high pressure seals, geothermal wellheads, subsea connectors, wellhead connectors, subsea wellheads, tubing hangers, casing hangers, seal assemblies, caps, crown plugs, casing and tubing heads, adapters, adapter and spacer spools, flange to connectors, threaded connectors, valve removal plugs, running tools, mud line suspension systems, washout sleeves, pipes, wellhead systems, subsea wellhead systems, surface wellhead systems, exploration wellhead systems, adjustable wellhead systems, tie-back connectors, high pressure/high temperature tie-back connectors, metal goods for supporting oil and gas field conduits, metal goods for supporting conduits in jack-up exploration drilling in oil and gas fields, casing connectors in oil and gas wells, subsea wellhead temporary abandonment caps, annulus monitoring and lockdown systems for wellheads, suspension systems for oil and gas wells, conversion wellheads for oil and gas wells, tie back connectors, wellhead trees, wellhead dry trees, wellhead wet trees; feasibility studies; engineering feasibility studies; testing services; advisory, information and consultancy services relating to the aforesaid services.

[Class - 7]

Metal goods for use in drilling and completing oil and gas wells and in the production of oil and gas from wells; machines and machine tools for use in completing oil and gas wells and in the production of oil and gas from wells; wellheads, geothermal wellheads, subsea wellheads, wellhead connectors in the nature of pipe fittings and flanges; pipeline repair tools; running tools; parts and fittings therefor.

[Class - 37]

Construction, installation, maintenance, repair and rental services relating to oil and gas well structures; rental of wellhead systems and components used in wellhead systems for oil and gas wells; rental of wellhead systems for jack-up exploration drilling; construction, installation, maintenance, repair and rental of goods for use in drilling and completing oil and gas wells and in the production of oil and gas from wells; construction, installation, maintenance, repair and rental of wellheads, Christmas trees for oil and gas wells, valves, risers, riser connectors, pipeline connectors, pipeline repair tools, jumper connectors, metal to metal seals, high pressure seals, geothermal wellheads, subsea connectors, wellhead connectors, subsea wellheads, tubing hangers, casing hangers, seal assemblies, caps, crown plugs, casing and tubing heads, adapters, adapter and spacer spools, flange to connectors, threaded connectors, valve removal plugs, running tools, mud line suspension systems, washout sleeves, pipes, wellhead systems, subsea wellhead systems, surface wellhead systems, exploration wellhead systems, adjustable wellhead systems, tie-back connectors, high pressure/high temperature tie-back connectors, metal goods for supporting oil and gas field conduits, metal goods for supporting conduits in jack-up exploration drilling in oil and gas fields, casing connectors in oil and gas wells, subsea wellhead temporary abandonment caps, annulus monitoring and lockdown systems for wellheads, suspension systems for oil and gas wells, conversion wellheads for oil and gas wells, tie back connectors, wellhead trees, wellhead dry trees, wellhead wet trees; advisory, information and consultancy services relating to the aforesaid services.

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FAQ's for PLEXUX Trademark

The application for PLEXUX was made on Feb 21, 2014
The trademark applicant for PLEXUX is PLEXUS HOLDINGS, PLC.
Trademark application has been filed under the class(es) 6,42,7,37.
As per IP India, trademark application is on the following stage: Objected.
Listed application Id of PLEXUX is 2846220.
PLEXUX Trademark is a undefined mark.
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