


clockUpdated Jul 10, 2023
NYCOTE PLUS is a WORD Trademark filed on Jan 27, 2014 in DELHI through United States of America IP Office.The Trademark is registered to NYLOK LLC and was filed by attorney.

NYCOTE PLUS Trademark Information

Application ID2667284
Proprietor(s)NYLOK LLC
Date of ApplicationJan 27, 2014
Class(es)6, 40
Registration StateDELHI
CountryUnited States of America
PublishedDec 14, 2015
Filing Mode-
IP Office-
Used Since04/03/2013

[Class - 40]

Service of applying self-locking, sealing, masking, retentive, anti-seize, protective, adhesive or lubricating coatings to metal fasteners; application of coatings preparations and/or other materials to surfaces of metal fasteners; coating on surfaces of metal fasteners; coating services for surfaces of metal fasteners; patching of metal fasteners; application of patches to surfaces of metal fasteners to prevent those fasteners from becoming loose; processing on surfaces of metal fasteners; evaporation coating or painting on surfaces of metal fasteners; application of coatings and/or other materials to surfaces of metal threaded components for locking or sealing those threaded components; advisory services relating to coating on and treatment of metal threaded components; service of applying some elements to metal fasteners to keep those metal fasteners being-locked, and advisory/information services related thereto; application of polymer coatings to metal fasteners; application of polymeric coatings and patches to metal fasteners; coating of plastics onto metal hardware; surface treatment and/or processing of metal fasteners to resist vibration, loosening, heat, fluids, and thermal and mechanical shock; surface treatment and/or processing of metal locknuts (metal fasteners) to resist vibration, loosening, heat, fluids, and thermal and mechanical shock; surface treatment and/or processing of metal fasteners to protect the fasteners from weld spatter, electrodeposited paints, primers and coatings; surface treatment and/or processing of metal nuts (metal fasteners) to protect the nuts from weld spatter, electrodeposited paints, primers and coatings; coating services for metal materials and metal products; sealing services for metal materials and metal products; application of coating preparations and sealants to metal materials and metal products; processing of metal; processing of plastics; processing of rubber; processing of ceramics.

FAQ's for NYCOTE PLUS Trademark

The application for NYCOTE PLUS was made on Jan 27, 2014
The trademark applicant for NYCOTE PLUS is NYLOK LLC.
Trademark application has been filed under the class(es) 6,40.
As per IP India, trademark application is on the following stage: Registered.
Listed application Id of NYCOTE PLUS is 2667284.
NYCOTE PLUS Trademark is a WORD mark.
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