NEXTVR and device


clockUpdated Jul 15, 2022
NEXTVR and device is a Trademark filed on Dec 26, 2017 in through IP Office.The Trademark is registered to (1) NEXTVR INC.Body Incorporate and was filed by attorney.

NEXTVR and device Trademark Information

Application ID3711281
Proprietor(s)(1) NEXTVR INC.Body Incorporate
Date of ApplicationDec 26, 2017
Class(es)9, 41, 42
Registration State-
Filing Mode-
IP Office-
Used Since-

[Class - 9]

Virtual reality software for live-action video delivery; Computer software for the editing and manipulation of video images; Computer software for use with encoding of digital files, including audio, video, text, binary, still images, graphics and multimedia files; Computer software, namely, software for use in converting, encoding, processing and translating audio, video, text, binary, still images, graphics and multimedia files into 3D formats and panoramic 3D formats for films, videos, digital media, and multimedia entertainment content; Computer software for use in converting, encoding, processing and translating audio, video, text, binary, still images, graphics and multimedia files into panoramic 3D formats for films, videos, digital media, and multimedia entertainment content; Computer software programs for the integration of text, audio, graphics, still image and moving pictures into an interactive delivery for multimedia applications; Computer software, namely, software for use in converting, encoding, processing and translating 3D digital media content for use with virtual reality headsets, helmets, and viewing environments; Computer software, namely, virtual reality software for 3D films and panoramic 3D videos, digital media, and multimedia entertainment content; Downloadable mobile application software for indexing, sorting, reviewing, and selection of 3D and panoramic 3D films, videos, digital media, and multimedia entertainment content; Downloadable mobile application software for use in distribution of 3D and panoramic 3D films, videos, digital media, and multimedia entertainment content; Downloadable films and videos featuring 3D and 360 degree viewing in the field of general interest, entertainment, sports and original content in Class 9

[Class - 41]

Film and video production; Multimedia entertainment services in the nature of development, recording, production, post-production and distribution of 2D, 3D, panoramic 2D and panoramic 3D film and video production in the field of general interest, entertainment, sports and original content; Providing on-line information relating to distribution of multimedia entertainment content and digital media in the nature of 2D, 3D, panoramic 2D and panoramic 3D films and videos; Entertainment services, namely, provision of an immersive 3D virtual reality experience in the nature of nondownloadable films and videos in the field of general interest, entertainment, sports and original content in Class 41

Related trademark

NEXTVR and device


Class -9

FAQ's for NEXTVR and device Trademark

The application for NEXTVR and device was made on Dec 26, 2017
The trademark applicant for NEXTVR and device is (1) NEXTVR INC.Body Incorporate.
Trademark application has been filed under the class(es) 9,41,42.
As per IP India, trademark application is on the following stage: Withdrawn.
Listed application Id of NEXTVR and device is 3711281.
NEXTVR and device Trademark is a undefined mark.
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