

clockUpdated Jan 26, 2018
HELLOFOOD is a Trademark filed on May 21, 2014 in through IP Office.The Trademark is registered to Foodpanda GmbH and was filed by attorney.

HELLOFOOD Trademark Information

Application ID2904798
Proprietor(s)Foodpanda GmbH
Date of ApplicationMay 21, 2014
Class(es)9, 35, 38
Registration State-
Filing Mode-
IP Office-
Used Since-

[Class - 35]

Advertising; updating and rental of advertising space; planning of presentations of goods and services and other information offers in business affairs for advertising purposes, information purposes, sales purposes; marketing for others on digital networks in the form of Web advertising; arranging of contracts for others, for the buying and selling of goods and providing of services in the field of supplying food and drink; sales promotion of goods and services for others in the field of supplying food and drink; providing information in databases with interactive access and immediate order placement concerning business affairs with respect to offers for goods and services, in the field of providing foods and drink; retail and wholesale services relating to foods, drink and agricultural products; restaurant opinion polling; Internet advertising services for restaurants; opinion polls using consumer generated reviews for the purposes of consumer research; procurement of contracts for restaurants for the provision of services.

[Class - 38]

Telecommunications; electronic transmission of information, especially news, press releases, last minute offers, in the field of supplying food and drink and food delivery services; providing access to electronic retrievable databases for immediate order placement; online transmission of consumer generated reviews for restaurants and take away restaurants; providing platforms on the Internet for providing offers for goods and services in electronic retrievable databases with interactive access for immediate order placement, in the field of supplying food and drink, catering, transport of food and drink; providing access to information on the Internet, namely listing restaurant particulars and menus on the Internet, restaurant directory, search services, information, news, press releases, last minute offers, in the field of supplying food and drink and food delivery services.

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FAQ's for HELLOFOOD Trademark

The application for HELLOFOOD was made on May 21, 2014
The trademark applicant for HELLOFOOD is Foodpanda GmbH.
Trademark application has been filed under the class(es) 9,35,38.
As per IP India, trademark application is on the following stage: Objected.
Listed application Id of HELLOFOOD is 2904798.
HELLOFOOD Trademark is a undefined mark.
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