

clockUpdated Feb 02, 2018
GTAP is a Trademark filed on Apr 17, 2013 in through IP Office.The Trademark is registered to Mettler-Toledo AG and was filed by attorney.

GTAP Trademark Information

Application ID2515582
Proprietor(s)Mettler-Toledo AG
Date of ApplicationApr 17, 2013
Class(es)37, 42
Registration State-
PublishedAug 01, 2016
Filing Mode-
IP Office-
Used Since-

[Class - 42]

Calibration and certification of measuring instruments for thermal analysis (including the thermogravimetry, the thermo-mechanical analysis, the dynamic-mechanical analysis, the di-electrical analysis, detection of boiling, melting and dripping point), for calorimetry, for moisture content analysis and for dry content analysis; Certification of the measurement uncertainty of measuring instruments for thermal analysis (including the thermogravimetry, the thermo-mechanical analysis, the dynamic-mechanical analysis, the di-electrical analysis, detection of boiling, melting and dripping point), for calorimetry, for moisture content analysis and for dry content analysis; qualification of measuring instruments for thermal analysis (including the thermogravimetry, the thermo-mechanical analysis, the dynamic-mechanical analysis, the di-electrical analysis, detection of boiling, melting and dripping point), for calorimetry, for moisture content analysis and for dry content analysis; hiring out of measuring instruments for thermal analysis (including the thermogravimetry, the thermo-mechanical analysis, the dynamic-mechanical analysis, the di-electrical analysis, detection of boiling, melting and dripping point), for calorimetry, for moisture content analysis and for dry content analysis; professional consultancy, namely providing laboratory for thermal analysis (including the thermogravimetry, the thermo-mechanical analysis, the dynamic-mechanical analysis, the di-electrical analysis, detection of boiling, melting and dripping point), for calorimetry, for moisture content analysis and for dry content analysis for scientific use; Consulting on technical process optimisation for thermal analysis (including the thermogravimetry, the thermo-mechanical analysis, the dynamic-mechanical analysis, the di-electrical analysis, detection of boiling, melting and dripping point), for calorimetry, for moisture content analysis and for dry content analysis; Consulting on validation of technical methods and systems for thermal analysis (including the thermogravimetry, the thermo-mechanical analysis, the dynamic-mechanical analysis, the di-electrical analysis, detection of boiling, melting and dripping point), for calorimetry, for moisture content analysis and for dry content analysis; Consulting on quality testing for thermal analysis (including the thermogravimetry, the thermo-mechanical analysis, the dynamic-mechanical analysis, the di-electrical analysis, detection of boiling, melting and dripping point), for calorimetry, for moisture content analysis and for dry content analysis; Adjustment of measuring instruments for thermal analysis (including the thermogravimetry, the thermo-mechanical analysis, the dynamic-mechanical analysis, the di-electrical analysis, detection of boiling, melting and dripping point), for calorimetry, for moisture content analysis and for dry content analysis according to instructions of the manufacturer or legal instructions; Quality testing of measuring instruments for thermal analysis (including the thermogravimetry, the thermo-mechanical analysis, the dynamic-mechanical analysis, the di-electrical analysis, detection of boiling, melting and dripping point), for calorimetry, for moisture content analysis and for dry content analysis

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Class -32

FAQ's for GTAP Trademark

The application for GTAP was made on Apr 17, 2013
The trademark applicant for GTAP is Mettler-Toledo AG.
Trademark application has been filed under the class(es) 37,42.
As per IP India, trademark application is on the following stage: Registered.
Listed application Id of GTAP is 2515582.
GTAP Trademark is a undefined mark.
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