Feero Tec (LABEL)


clockUpdated Jan 26, 2018
Feero Tec (LABEL) is a Trademark filed on Jul 20, 2007 in through IP Office.The Trademark is registered to FERROTEC CORPORATION and was filed by attorney.

Feero Tec (LABEL) Trademark Information

Application ID1581129
Date of ApplicationJul 20, 2007
Class(es)9, 7, 4, 11, 1
Registration State-
PublishedNov 01, 2009
Filing Mode-
IP Office-
Used Since-

[Class - 9]

Educational science kits composed of magnets, and other related laboratory equipment, all for conducting experiments relating to magnetic materials; electron beam guns used for deposition of thin films; silicon wafer cleaning machines using quartz for cleaning and reaction processes; coin cleaning apparatus; magnetic liquid sealed rotary feedthroughs for vacuum applications; measuring instruments; electronic instruments for measuring of magnetic properties; loudspeakers; voltage meters; silicon wafers; semiconductors; computer printers; domain detectors; seals for computer hard disc drives; glassware for laboratory use; parts for machines, namely, fluid-film bearing spindles, rotary seals, ferrofluidic inertia dampers for use in plotters, printers, scanners, robotics; temperature controllers

[Class - 7]

Electric motors [other than for land vehicles] and dampers for electric stepping motors being parts of machines; parts of machines, namely, fluid bearing spindles; parts of machines, namely, rotary seals; inertia dampers for use with magnetic fluids [parts of machines]; parts of machines, namely, magnetic liquid sealed rotary vacuum feedthroughs; parts of machines, namely, magnetic liquid rotary seals; shafts for machines, not for vehicles; machine parts, namely roller bearings; electric motors for machines; electric generators, not for vehicles; silicon monocrystal lifting equipment

[Class - 1]

Magnetic fluid compositions for use in the voice coil gap of loudspeakers; magnetic fluids for domain detector; magnetic fluids for stepping-motor applications; magnetic fluids for use in a wide variety of industrial applications; fatty acids for use in industry

[Class - 11]

Modules for heating and cooling, namely solid-state wafer heat pumps; thermoelectric devices for use in heating and cooling equipment; electric fans

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FAQ's for Feero Tec (LABEL) Trademark

The application for Feero Tec (LABEL) was made on Jul 20, 2007
The trademark applicant for Feero Tec (LABEL) is FERROTEC CORPORATION.
Trademark application has been filed under the class(es) 9,7,4,11,1.
As per IP India, trademark application is on the following stage: Registered.
Listed application Id of Feero Tec (LABEL) is 1581129.
Feero Tec (LABEL) Trademark is a undefined mark.
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