
Accepted & Advertised

clockUpdated Feb 05, 2018
ECOSTRUXURE is a Trademark filed on May 26, 2017 in through IP Office.The Trademark is registered to SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES SAS and was filed by attorney.

ECOSTRUXURE Trademark Information

Application ID3557983
StatusAccepted & Advertised
Date of ApplicationMay 26, 2017
Class(es)42, 37, 9
Registration State-
PublishedJul 17, 2017
Filing Mode-
IP Office-
Used Since-

[Class - 37]

Setting-up of electric and electronic apparatus, maintenance and repair services; construction, installation, repair and maintenance services for electrical and automated systems installations and equipment; construction, installation, repair and maintenance services for computer hardware infrastructure and data centers; construction, installation and maintenance services for installations and equipment used for research and engineering in the field of electricity, home and building automation and automated systems; construction, installation and maintenance services for monitoring and safety equipment and for installations in the field of electricity, home and building automation and automated systems; construction, installation and maintenance services for monitoring and safety equipment and for installations in the field of datacenter architecture; installation, maintenance and repair of lighting, heating, cooling, humidifying, ventilation and air-conditioning apparatus and installations for homes and buildings; information and consulting regarding the installation, maintenance and repair of lighting, heating, cooling, humidifying, ventilation and air-conditioning apparatus and installations for homes and buildings; installation and maintenance services for security installations, including via a telecommunications network; installation and maintenance of intelligent systems for buildings and homes; installation and maintenance of home and building automation installations and programmable automations and installations for technical management of homes and buildings; technical services for the installation, maintenance and repair of computers and computer peripheral equipment; consulting and information on construction; Computer services, namely, providing data center computer system configuration in the nature of computer hardware installation and repair; Installation of computer networking hardware; Computer installation and repair; Installation of computer systems; Construction and building of data centers; construction project management for data centers; Consultation in the field of data center construction; Technical support services for data center operations, namely, providing maintenance on electronic media and electrical equipment.

[Class - 9]

Software for management, availability, reliability and optimization of electric power in industrial, tertiary and residential buildings, in infrastructures and data centers, in industrial machines, plants, power grids and processes; software for improving energy efficiency and energy sustainability in industrial, tertiary and residential buildings, in infrastructures and data centers, in industrial machines, plants, power grids and processes; software for process management, security management, access control, video surveillance in industrial, tertiary and residential buildings, in infrastructures and data centers, in industrial machines, plants, power grids and processes; control, measurement, monitoring and supervision systems for management, availability, reliability and optimization of electric power in industrial, tertiary and residential buildings, in infrastructures and data centers, in industrial machines, plants, power grids and processes; control, measurement, monitoring and supervision systems for improving energy efficiency and energy sustainability in industrial, tertiary and residential buildings, in infrastructures and data centers, in industrial machines, plants, power grids and processes; control, measurement, monitoring and supervision systems for process management, security management, access control, video surveillance in industrial, tertiary and residential buildings, in infrastructures and data centers, in industrial machines, plants, power grids and processes; internet and intranet servers for providing data and software applied to energy efficiency, to energy sustainability and to management, availability, reliability and optimization of electric power; internet and intranet servers for providing data and software applied to process management, to security management, to access control and to video surveillance; databases in the fields of power management, process management and security management in industrial, tertiary and residential buildings, in infrastructures and data centers, in industrial machines, plants, power grids and processes; computer hardware and software in the field of electrical distribution, industrial control and automation, electrical supply systems for computers; building and home automation systems comprising wireless and wired controllers, touch screens, controlled devices, and software for appliances, lighting, HVAC, building and home entertainment devices, security and other building and home electrical power monitoring and control applications; computers, software, microprocessors, micro-commands for the analysis, protection, inspection, measurement, signaling, regulation, setting, monitoring, maintaining, supervision, design, management, control and remote control of lighting, heating, cooling, humidifying, ventilating, air-conditioning, energy consumption, fire safety, access control and energy management systems; software applied to the protection, control, management, surveillance and supervision of electric installations and networks and communication networks; programming, operating and supervision software for automated processes; software for remote configuration functions; communication software; software platform for use in asset optimization, industrial automation, machine diagnostics, and optimization of industrial, manufacturing and infrastructure management processes; software applied to the protection, control, management, surveillance and supervision of electric installations and networks; downloadable cloud computer software for information management, data collection and data analysis in the fields of asset optimization, industrial automation, machine diagnostics, and optimization of industrial, manufacturing and infrastructure management processes; downloadable software for information management, data collection and data analysis in the fields of asset optimization, industrial automation, machine diagnostics and optimization of industrial, manufacturing and infrastructure management processes; downloadable software application for information management, data collection and data analysis in the fields of asset optimization, industrial automation, machine diagnostics, and optimization of industrial, manufacturing and infrastructure management processes; cloud computing software for use in asset optimization, industrial automation, machine diagnostics, and optimization of industrial, manufacturing and infrastructure management processes; computer software for collecting and distributing data within computer networks, including the internet, and enabling data communication among application programs, consumer devices and industrial devices.

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FAQ's for ECOSTRUXURE Trademark

The application for ECOSTRUXURE was made on May 26, 2017
Trademark application has been filed under the class(es) 42,37,9.
As per IP India, trademark application is on the following stage: Accepted & Advertised.
Listed application Id of ECOSTRUXURE is 3557983.
ECOSTRUXURE Trademark is a undefined mark.
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