

Trademark Class Search


Trademark Class 44

Trademark Class 44: Medical and Veterinary Services

Trademark Class 44 is for registering a trademark for beauty care, hygienic and medical care. It mainly includes beauty care, hygienic and medical care given by establishments or persons to human beings and animals; it also includes services relating to the fields of horticulture, forestry and agriculture.


Class 44 Group Class 44 Good

Agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry services

Aerial and surface spreading of fertilizers and other agricultural chemicals, aquaculture services, farming equipment rental, tree planting for carbon offsetting purposes, tree surgery, vermin exterminating for agriculture, horticulture and forestry.

Farming (animals)

Animal breeding.

Farming (crops), Horticulture, gardening and landscaping

Flower arranging, gardening, horticulture, landscape gardening, lawn care, plant nurseries, weed killing.

Landscape design

Landscape design

Floral design

Wreath making.

Animal healthcare services

Veterinary assistance.

Animal grooming services

Animal grooming, pet grooming.

Human healthcare services

aromatherapy services, chiropractics, convalescent homes/rest homes, health counseling/health counseling, health centres/health centers, health spa services, health care, hospices, massage, midwife services, nursing homes, physiotherapy/physical therapy, rehabilitation for substance abuse patients, sanatoriums, speech therapy services, therapy services.

Medical services

Alternative medicine services, artificial insemination services, blood bank services, hair implantation, hospitals, in vitro fertilization services, medical equipment rental, medical assistance, medical clinic services, nursing, medical, plastic surgery, telemedicine services.



Pharmaceutical services

Pharmacists' services to make up prescriptions, pharmacy advice.

Opticians' services

Opticians' services.

Mental health services

Services of a psychologist

Human hygiene and beauty care

Beauty salons, hairdressing salons, manicuring, public baths for hygiene purposes, rental of sanitation facilities, sauna services, solarium services.

Turkish baths

Visagists' services.

Body art


Related (Coordinated) Classes: Class 35 - Advertising and Business Services, Class 36 - Insurance and Finance Services, Class 37 - Construction and Repair Services, Class 38 - Telecommunications Services, Class 39 - Shipping and Travel Services, Class 40 - Material Treatment Services, Class 41 - Education and Entertainment Services, Class 42 - Science and Technology Services, Class 43 - Food Services, Class 45 - Legal and Security Services.

NOTE: Class 44 is NOT used if you are registering:

  • Vermin exterminating (other than for horticulture, forestry and agriculture).

  • Ambulance transport.

  • Installation and repair services for irrigation systems.

  • Felling and processing of timber.

  • Animal slaughtering services and taxidermy.

  • Animal training services.

  • Health clubs for physical exercise.

  • Retirement homes.

  • Boarding for animals.

  • Scientific research services for medical purposes.



Class 44 includes medical and veterinary services, along with beauty care, agriculture, horticulture, forestry services, and services related to landscape gardening.
Yes, dentistry and pharmacists' services to make up prescriptions are included in Class 44.
Alternative medicine services, physiotherapy, and other forms of therapy are covered under Class 44.
Landscaping, gardening, and related horticultural services are included in Class 44.
Veterinary services, animal healthcare, and grooming are covered by Class 44.
Mental health services and beauty care, including salons and massage services, are part of Class 44.
Yes, agriculture, aquaculture, and related services are included in Class 44.
Class 44 does not include services such as animal slaughtering, scientific research for medical purposes, health clubs for physical exercise, and installation and repair services for irrigation systems.

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