

Trademark Class Search


Trademark Class 4

Trademark Class 4: Industrial Oils and Lubricants

Trademark Class 4 is for registering oils, fuels, lubricants, candles and wicks. It mainly includes greases and industrial oils; lubricants; illuminates; candles and wicks for lighting; fuels (including motor spirit); and dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions.


Class 4 Group Class 4 Good

Fuels and illuminants

alcohol [fuel], anthracite, beeswax, benzene, benzol, combustible briquettes, carburants/motor fuel, charcoal [fuel], coal dust [fuel], coal briquettes, coal tar oil, coal naphtha, coal, coke, diesel oil/gas oil, ethanol [fuel], firelighters, fuel with an alcoholic base, fuel oil/combustible oil, fuel, fuel gas, gas for lighting, gasoline, illuminating wax, illuminating grease, kerosene, lighting fuel, lignite, ligroin, mazut, methylated spirit, mineral fuel, oil-gas, ozocerite [ozokerite], paper spills for lighting, paraffin, peat briquettes [fuel]/blocks of peat [fuel], peat [fuel], petrol/benzine, petroleum ether, petroleum, raw or refined, producer gas, solidified gases [fuel]/solidified gas [fuel], stearine, tinder, vaporized fuel mixtures, wax [raw material].

Candles and wicks for lighting


Christmas tree candles

lamp wicks, nightlights [candles], perfumed candles, wicks for candles.


firewood, wood spills for lighting, wood briquettes.

Non- chemical fuel additives

additives, non-chemical, to motor-fuel, naphtha.


oleine, rape oil for industrial purposes.

Electrical energy

electrical energy.

Dust controlling compositions

dust binding compositions for sweeping, dust laying compositions, dust removing preparations, Lubricants and industrial greases, waxes and fluids, belting wax, carnauba wax, castor oil for technical purposes, ceresine, cutting fluids, fish oil, not edible, grease for arms [weapons], grease for boots/grease for shoes, grease for belts, grease for leather, industrial wax, industrial grease, industrial oil, lubricants, lubricating oil, lubricating graphite, lubricating grease, moistening oil, motor oil, non-slipping preparations for belts, oils for releasing form work [building], oils for paints, petroleum jelly for industrial purposes, soya bean oil preparations for non-stick treatment of cooking utensils, sunflower oil for industrial purposes, tallow, textile oil, wool grease/lanolin, xylene, xylol.

Related (Coordinated) Classes: Class 1 - Chemicals, Class 35 - Advertising and Business Services, Class 37 - Construction and Repair Services, and Class 42 - Science and Technology Services.

NOTE: Class 4 is NOT used if you are registering:

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    Trademark Class 4 includes industrial oils and greases, lubricants, dust absorbing, wetting, and binding compositions, fuels and illuminants like candles and wicks for lighting.
    Yes, biofuels like rape oil for industrial purposes and other non-edible oils used as fuels are included in Class 4.
    Candles, including Christmas tree candles and wicks for lighting, fall under the scope of Trademark Class 4.
    Yes, electrical energy is classified under Trademark Class 4, alongside traditional fuels.
    Various lubricants and greases, including those for industrial, automotive, and household use, can be trademarked under Class 4.
    Non-chemical additives to motor-fuel, which are used to improve the performance or efficiency of the fuel, are included in Class 4.
    Yes, wood products like firewood, wood spills for lighting, and wood briquettes used as fuel are classified under Class 4.
    The provided content does not specify exclusions for Class 4. However, it's important to note that items not related to industrial oils, lubricants, fuels, and related products might not be eligible for registration under this class.

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