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Trademark Class 34

Trademark Class 34: Tobacco and Tobacco Products


Trademark Class 34 is for tobacco and smoking-related products. That class includes cigarettes, pipes and cigar tobacco, smokers' articles, and matches. This class protects your brand in the above-mentioned sectors.

It registers your brand specifically under Class 34, thereby providing you with exclusive rights over your brand in the tobacco and smokers' articles industry. This registration protects products like tobacco and smoking accessories to match against infringement, ensuring uniqueness of your brand in both domestic and international markets.

Class 34 protection permits tobacco-related manufacturing or distributing businesses and companies that make smoking products to prevent competitors from entering your market space. Hence, the potency of your brand identity would remain distinct and would not be disturbed by competitors.

But with renewable protection every 10 years, Class 34 provides ongoing legal security, meaning your brand is safe for the upcoming years.

Here are the Items under Class 34


match holders, matchboxes, matches.

Tobacco and tobacco products (including substitutes)

chewing tobacco, cigarettes containing tobacco substitutes, not for medical purposes, cigarettes, cigarillos, cigars, electronic cigarettes, herbs for smoking, snuff, tobacco.


ashtrays for smokers.

Tobacco containers and humidors

cigar cases, cigarette cases, humidors, snuff boxes, tobacco pouches, tobacco jars.

Lighters for smokers

firestones, gas containers for cigar lighters, lighters for smokers.

Articles for use with tobacco

absorbent paper for tobacco pipes, books of cigarette papers, cigar holders, cigar cutters, cigarette tips, cigarette filters, cigarette holders, cigarette paper, pocket machines for rolling cigarettes, mouthpieces for cigarette holders, pipe cleaners for tobacco pipes, pipe racks for tobacco pipes, spittoons for tobacco users, tips of yellow amber for cigar and cigarette holders, tobacco pipes.

Related (Coordinated) Classes: Class 4 - Industrial Oils, Class 35 - Advertising and Business Services, and Class 42 - Science and Technology Services.

NOTE: Class 34 is NOT used if you are registering:

  • cigarettes that are without tobacco, for medical purposes



Class 34 primarily covers tobacco products and smokers' articles. This includes cigarettes, cigars, smoking tobacco, chewing tobacco, and electronic cigarettes. It also encompasses accessories related to smoking, such as lighters, ashtrays, and matchboxes.
Yes, electronic cigarettes and related vaping products, including e-liquids and vaporizers, fall under Class 34, reflecting the evolving landscape of smoking products.
Tobacco substitutes, including those used in electronic cigarettes or as chewing tobacco alternatives, can be trademarked under Class 34, provided they are not intended for medical purposes.
Matches, matchboxes, and match holders are included in Class 34, covering a broad range of products related to lighting cigarettes and other tobacco products.
Smokers' accessories, such as ashtrays and lighters, are a key component of Class 34, catering to the needs and preferences of tobacco users.
Tobacco containers, pouches, and humidors, designed to store tobacco products and maintain their freshness, are covered under Class 34.
While Class 34 covers a wide range of tobacco products and smokers' articles, it does not include medicinal products, such as nicotine patches, which are classified under different classes due to their intended medical use.
Class 34 accommodates the registration of traditional and cultural smoking articles, such as pipes, hookahs, and snuff boxes, recognizing the diverse methods and practices of tobacco consumption across cultures.

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