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Trademark Class 29

Trademark Class 29: Meat, Fish Poultry

Trademark Class 29 is for registering a trademark for fish, meat, poultry, cooked vegetables and fruits, edible oils and jellies. It mainly includes fish, meat, poultry and game; meat extracts; frozen, preserved, cooked and dried vegetables and fruits; jams, jellies, compotes; milk and milk products; eggs; fats and edible oils.


Class 29 Group Class 29 Good


animal marrow for food, bacon, charcuterie, game, not live, gelatin, ham, liver, meat, meat extracts, meat, preserved, tinned [canned (Am.)], pork, poultry, not live, black pudding [blood sausage]/black pudding/blood sausage, salted meats, sausages, tripe.

Meat spreads

meat extracts; preserve meats.

Frozen vegetables

dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats.


milk beverages, milk predominating, milk products, milk shakes, milk ferments for culinary purposes, milk of almonds for culinary purposes, condensed milk, soya milk “milk substitute,” prostokvasha “soured milk.”


olive oil for food, preserved olives.

Coconut butter

coconut, desiccated coconut fat, coconut oil.


ground nuts, almonds, sunflower oil for food, sunflower seeds, prepared sunflowers, peanuts, prepared peanuts, peanut butter, peanut milk for culinary purposes, sesame oil.

Fish and seafood

fish fillets, preserved fish, tinned or canned fish, fish mousses fish roe, salmon products, caviar, crayfish, foods made from fish, lobster products, spiny lobsters, oyster products, shellfish products, clams, prawns, crustaceans, sardines, shrimp, mussels, seaweed products, silkworm chrysalis, sea-cucumbers.

Cheeses and dairy

charcuterie, croquettes, butter, buttercream, compotes, butter, buttercream, margarinejams, jellies for food, liver pâté, liver pastes, ginger jam, gelatin.


preserved fruit, stewed fruit, fruit jellies, fruit pulp, fruit salads, fruit peel, fruit chips, fruit preserved in alcohol, fruit-based snack food, frozen fruits, canned or tinned fruits, crystallized fruits, frosted fruits, dates

Processed meat

Meat, sausages, sausages in batter, salted meats, poultry, chicken, duck, hen, quail, game, pork, ham

Related (Coordinated) Classes: Class 5 - Pharmaceuticals, Class 30 - Coffee, Flour, Rice, Class 31 - Grains, Agriculture, Class 32 - Beers and Beverages, Class 33 - Alcoholic Beverages, Class 35 - Advertising and Business Services, and Class 42 - Science and Technology Services.

NOTE: Class 29 is NOT used if you are registering:

  • Baby food

  • Dietetic food and substances that are adapted for medical use

  • Salad dressings

  • Dietary supplements

  • Fertilised eggs for hatching

  • Live animals

  • Foodstuffs used for animals



Trademark Class 29 is dedicated to various food items, specifically meat, fish, poultry, seafood, and their processed forms, alongside dairy products like cheese, milk, and yogurt. It also includes edible oils and fats, preserved fruits and vegetables, and other similar consumables.
Processed meats such as bacon, sausages, and canned meats, as well as seafood like smoked salmon and canned tuna, are registrable under Class 29, reflecting the class's focus on both fresh and preserved animal products.
Yes, alongside traditional dairy products, dairy alternatives such as soy milk, almond milk, and other plant-based substitutes are included, accommodating the growing variety in consumer dietary preferences.
Class 29 encompasses a wide range of edible oils and fats, from common cooking oils like olive and vegetable oil to more specialized ones such as avocado oil, reflecting the diverse culinary uses and sources of these products.
Yes, preserved fruits and vegetables, whether canned, dried, or in the form of jams and compotes, are covered, highlighting Class 29's inclusion of various methods of food preservation.
Meat extracts, broths, and bouillons, used as bases for cooking or as flavor enhancers, are registrable in Class 29, underlining the class's encompassment of foundational cooking ingredients.
While Class 29 covers a broad spectrum of food products, it does not include live animals, fresh fruits and vegetables, or dietary supplements, which are categorized in other classes based on their nature and intended use.
Class 29 is designed to be inclusive of a wide range of global food products, from traditional staples like rice and beans to specialized items like caviar and truffles, ensuring a broad spectrum of food items can be trademarked.

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