BSA is a Trademark filed on Jan 08, 2016 in through IP Office.The Trademark is registered to BOBST MEX SA and was filed by attorney.

BSA Trademark Information

Application ID3394603
Proprietor(s)BOBST MEX SA
Date of ApplicationJan 08, 2016
Class(es)3, 41, 35, 4, 7, 37, 2, 1, 9
Registration State-
Filing Mode-
IP Office-
Used Since-

[Class - 3]

Preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, degreasing and abrasive preparations; detergent, soaps; canned pressurized air for cleaning and dusting purposes; cloths impregnated with a detergent for cleaning.

[Class - 37]

Customer care services, namely, installation, servicing, maintenance, adjustments optimization, remote monitoring operation in the framework of maintenance, maintenance and tuning, repair, assembly and installation of consumables and spare parts for machinery, equipment and devices for processing and printing substrates, in particular of films, sheets, blanks, tapes, films, paper, cardboard, corrugated cardboard, plastic, for the manufacturing industry of packaging.

[Class - 7]

Machines, equipment and devices for processing and printing of substrates, more particularly sheets, plates, cutouts, strips, foils of paper, cardboard, corrugated board, plastic, for the packaging manufacturing industry; equipment, machines, and devices for processing and printing, in particular cutting, creasing, embossing, punching, perforation, hot and cold stamping, removal of a color film, hot gilding and cold gilding, folding adhesive-stamping, bending and gluing of-line, coating, extrusion laminating and coating, vacuum coating, vacuum metallization, laminating, laminating flexible materials, offset rotary printing, flexographic printing machines, flexographic printing central drum, heliographic printing, printing machines, printing type, digital printing, flexographic printing and cutting flat on-line, flexographic printing bending and gluing on-line, flexographic printing and rotary cutting online, heliographic printing and forming on-line of substrates, more particularly sheets, plate elements, blanks, webs, films, paper, cardboard, corrugated cardboard, plastic; devices and equipment of loading, introduction, multiple integration, margins, positioning, conveying, stacking and receiving machine, separation, collection, handling, packaging and transport off machine of substrates, more particularly of films, sheets, blanks, strips, films, paper, cardboard, corrugated cardboard, plastic, batteries, and of the aforementioned substrates coils, shaped substrates, printed matter, printed and folded and pasted; control devices for the aforesaid machines, equipment and devices; printing cylinders, rollers, flexible relief plates and plates, machines for preparing and processing of printing cylinders, rollers, flexible relief plates and plates, devices for mounting of printing flexible relief plates and plates on printing cylinders; peripherals and accessories for the aforesaid machines, equipment and devices; constituent pieces, and spare parts for the aforesaid machines, equipment and devices; tools for the aforesaid machines, equipment and devices.

[Class - 2]

Paints, inks for machines, equipment, groups, devices and print-heads, particularly inks for digital printing presses, rotary printing, flexographic printing, flexographic printing central drum, gravure printing, offset printing, letterpress printing; varnishes, lacquers, colorants; mordant, pre-coating materials for substrates, particularly for sheets, plates, blanks, foil, film, paper, cardboard, corrugated cardboard, plastic; coating materials for printed substrates, particularly for sheets, plates, blanks, foil, film, paper, cardboard, corrugated cardboard, plastic.

[Class - 1]

Chemical products for use in industry and science; antistatic products other than for household use; adhesives (glues) used in industry, including adhesives for machines, equipment and devices for forming and bending and gluing.

[Class - 9]

Electronic devices, apparatus, instruments and software for inputting, recording, input, output, processing, storage, transmission, display of data, checking, measuring, controlling, programming, setting, presetting, quality control, monitoring of production parameters, performances and stops management, checking of register printings, cuttings, clippings and embossing, measuring and adjusting the color composition of printings, measures for adjusting ink supply, analysis and image processing for printing and post-printing, especially sensors, and digital cameras, detection, tracking, and positioning, positioning motors for machines, equipment and devices for processing and printing of substrates, more particularly sheets, plate elements, blanks, tapes, films, paper, cardboard, corrugated cardboard, plastic, for the packaging manufacturing industry.

[Class - 35]

Retail sale, by mail order, Internet or other electronic remote ordering means of machines, equipment and devices for processing and printing, substrates, more particularly sheets, plates, cutouts, strips, foils of paper, cardboard, corrugated board, plastic for the packaging manufacturing industry; retail services or wholesale services for accessories, spare parts, tools, apparatus, instruments, electronic devices, software and inks, for the aforesaid machines, equipment and devices; retail sale of the aforesaid second-hand machines, equipment and devices; preparation services for maintenance contracts for the aforesaid machines, equipment and devices; purchasing of the aforesaid second-hand machines, equipment and devices for other companies.

[Class - 4]

Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; dust binding compositions for sweeping.

Related trademark



Class -16,42,35,41,


Class -7


Class -12


Class -25,36,6,26,9,


Class -35


Class -35

FAQ's for BSA Trademark

The application for BSA was made on Jan 08, 2016
The trademark applicant for BSA is BOBST MEX SA.
Trademark application has been filed under the class(es) 3,41,35,4,7,37,2,1,9.
As per IP India, trademark application is on the following stage: Objected.
Listed application Id of BSA is 3394603.
BSA Trademark is a undefined mark.
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