Updated Jul 23, 2022
AXOR is a Trademark filed on Feb 07, 2019 in through IP Office.The Trademark is registered to (1) M/S. ANGEL INDUSTRIES.Partnership Firm Details : 1. Shri Girishbhai Amrutlal Patel 2. Shri Jignesh Kumar Girishbhai Patel 3. Shri Piyush Kumar Girishbhai Patel 4. Mrs. Reenaben Piyushbhai Patel 5. Mrs. Urmilaben Girishbhai Patel 6. Shri Jayesh Mansukhbhai Patel 7. Shri Shailesh Amrutlal Patel 8. Shri Devendra Amrutlal Patel 9. Mrs. Manjulaben Mukeshbhai Patel and was filed by attorney.
AXOR Trademark Information Application ID 4080668 Proprietor(s) (1) M/S. ANGEL INDUSTRIES.Partnership Firm Details : 1. Shri Girishbhai Amrutlal Patel 2. Shri Jignesh Kumar Girishbhai Patel 3. Shri Piyush Kumar Girishbhai Patel 4. Mrs. Reenaben Piyushbhai Patel 5. Mrs. Urmilaben Girishbhai Patel 6. Shri Jayesh Mansukhbhai Patel 7. Shri Shailesh Amrutlal Patel 8. Shri Devendra Amrutlal Patel 9. Mrs. Manjulaben Mukeshbhai Patel Attorney - Status Registered Date of Application Feb 07, 2019 Class(es) 19 Type - Registration State - Country - Published Mar 11, 2019 Filing Mode - IP Office - Used Since - Valid/Upto 07/02/2029
FAQ's for AXOR Trademark When was the AXOR trademark applied? The application for AXOR was made on Feb 07, 2019
Who is the applicant for AXOR ? The trademark applicant for AXOR is (1) M/S. ANGEL INDUSTRIES.Partnership Firm Details : 1. Shri Girishbhai Amrutlal Patel 2. Shri Jignesh Kumar Girishbhai Patel 3. Shri Piyush Kumar Girishbhai Patel 4. Mrs. Reenaben Piyushbhai Patel 5. Mrs. Urmilaben Girishbhai Patel 6. Shri Jayesh Mansukhbhai Patel 7. Shri Shailesh Amrutlal Patel 8. Shri Devendra Amrutlal Patel 9. Mrs. Manjulaben Mukeshbhai Patel.
AXOR Trademark application is filed under which trademark class? Trademark application has been filed under the class(es) 19.
What is the status of AXOR trademark application? As per IP India, trademark application is on the following stage: Registered.
What is the Listed Application ID of the AXOR trademark? Listed application Id of AXOR is 4080668.
Is AXOR Trademark word, color or device mark? AXOR Trademark is a undefined mark.
Disclaimer: Vakilsearch assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this page. The data is derived from mca.gov.in and ipindia.gov.in