alphaJET mondo

alphaJET mondo


clockUpdated Jul 10, 2023
alphaJET mondo is a DEVICE Trademark filed on Oct 11, 2012 in WEST BENGAL through India IP Office.The Trademark is registered to KBA-METRONIC GMBH and was filed by attorney.

alphaJET mondo Trademark Information

Application ID2410177
Date of ApplicationOct 11, 2012
Class(es)7, 9
Registration StateWEST BENGAL
PublishedNov 14, 2016
Filing Mode-
IP Office-
Used SinceProposed to be used

[Class - 9]

Electronic devices or electronic instruments, consultation software (stored), sales software (stored) and software (insofar as contained in class 09) for printing machines, offset rotation printing machines, lacquer machines, coating machines, digital printing and labeling machines, ink jet machines, ink jet printers, in particular with one or several ink jets, one or several color ink jet printers, and for machines for the graphic trade and for machines for processing printed materials or paper; electronic devices and electronic instruments, consultation software (stored), sales software (stored) and software (insofar as contained in class 09) for drying machines, drying ovens, pallet change and pallet transfer machines, stapling machines, machines for handling sheets and tin plates, screen printing machines, tampon printing machines, flexoprinting machines, engraving machines, for tin-plate printing machines, signing machines, hot embossing devices, thermotransfer devices, photo printing machines, label making machines, engraving machines, ink jet printing devices, laser labeling devices and for laser printing devices; electronic adjustment devices, control devices, monitoring devices, quality control devices, production control devices, production monitoring devices, past attention controller; consultation software (stored), sales software (stored), and software as parts or accessories for printing machines, offset rotation printing machines, coating machines, digital printing and labeling machines, Ink jet machines, Ink jet printers, in particular with one or several ink jets, one or several color ink jet printers, machines for the graphic trade of machines for processing printed materials or paper, for transporting, cutting, folding, stacking, sewing, packaging, collating, sorting, binding, scanning, controlling, perforating, gluing, stitching, tying, bandoliering, bookbinding; electronic adjusting devices, control devices, monitoring devices, quality control devices, production control devices, temperature monitoring devices, consultation software (stored), sales software (stored) and software as parts or accessories for lacquer machines, drying machines, drying ovens, pallet change and pallet transfer machines, stapling machines, machines for handling sheets and tin plates, pallet change and pallet transfer machines, stapling machines, machines for handling sheets and tin plates, screen printing machines, tampon printing machines, flexoprinting machines, engraving machines, tin-plate printing machines, signing machines, hot embossing devices, thermotransfer devices, photo printing machines, label making machines, engraving machines, ink jet printing devices, laser labeling devices and laser printing devices; electric and electronic measuring and testing apparatus and instruments for installing and calibrating sub-assemblies and parts of printing machines, offset rotation printing machines, coating machines, digital printing and labeling machines, Ink jet printing machines, ink jet printers, in particular with one or several ink jets, one or several color ink jet printers and machines for the graphic trade and machines for processing printed materials or paper or synthetic materials or metal or organic or inorganic materials; electric and electronic measuring and testing apparatus and instruments for installing and calibrating sub-assemblies and parts for lacquer machines, drying machines, drying ovens, pallet change and pallet transfer machines, stapling machines, machines for handling sheets and tin plates, screen printing machines, tampon printing machines, flexoprinting machines, engraving machines, tin-plate printing machines, signing machines, hot embossing devices, thermotransfer devices, photo printing machines, label making machines, engraving machines, Ink jet printing devices, laser labeling devices and for laser printing devices; consultation software (stored) and/or sales software (stored) for electric and electronic measuring and testing apparatus and Instruments for installing and calibrating sub-assemblies and parts of printing machines, offset rotation printing machines, coating machines, digital printing and labeling machines, Ink jet printing machines, Ink jet printers, In particular with one or several ink jets, one or several color Ink jet printers and machines for the graphic trade and machines for processing printed materials or paper or synthetic materials or metal or organic or inorganic materials; consultation software (stored) and/or sales software (stored) for electric and electronic measuring and testing apparatus and instruments for installing and calibrating sub-assemblies and parts of lacquer machines, drying machines, drying ovens, pallet change and pallet transfer machines, stapling machines, machines for handling sheets and tin plates, screen printing machines, tampon printing machines, flexoprinting machines, engraving machines, tin-plate printing machines, signing machines, hot embossing devices, thermotransfer devices, photo printing machines, label making machines, engraving machines, ink jet printing devices, laser labeling devices and for laser printing devices; consultation software (stored), sales software (stored) and software for remote control, remote servicing, remote monitoring, controlling and/or adjusting Ink discs, ink rollers, dampening rollers, register adjustment devices in printing machines, offset printing machines, coating machines, digital printing and labeling machines, Ink jet printing machines, ink jet printers, in particular with one or several ink jets, one or several color ink jet printers and machines for the graphic trade and machines for processing print materials or paper or synthetic materials or metal or organic or inorganic materials; consultation software (stored), sales software (stored) and software for remote control, remote servicing, remote monitoring, control and/or adjustment of devices for changing and/or transporting and/or storing; consultation software (stored), sales software (stored) and software for remote control, remote servicing, remote monitoring, controlling and/or adjusting devices for cleaning rollers in color or dampening devices and/or cylinders and/or in Ink jet print heads and/or laser systems in printing machines, offset printing machines, coating machines, digital printing and labeling machines, Ink jet printing machines, Ink jet printers, in particular with one or several ink jets, one or several color ink jet printers and machines and machine devices for the graphic trade and in machines and machine devices for processing print products or paper or synthetic materials or metal or organic or inorganic materials; consultation software (stored), sales software (stored) and software for remote control, remote servicing, remote monitoring, control and/or adjustment of devices for storing and/or adjusting rollers in color or dampening devices and/or cylinders and/or Inkjet printing heads and/or laser systems in printing machines, offset printing machines and in machines and machine devices for the graphic trade and in machines and machine devices for processing print products or paper or synthetic materials or metal or organic or inorganic materials; consultation software (stored), sales software (stored) and software for remote control, remote servicing, remote monitoring, control and/or adjustment of ink and/or voice machines and/or printing cylinders in printing devices; consultation software (stored), sales software (stored) and software for remote control, remote monitoring, remote supervision, control and/or adjustment of devices for tempering ink or moistening machines and/or cylinders and/or Ink jet print heads and/or laser systems in printing devices; consultation software (stored), sales software (stored), and software for remote control, remote monitoring, control, and or adjustment of cutting devices and/or cutting cylinders in printing machines, offset rotation printing machines, coating machines, digital printing and labeling machines, ink jet printing machines, ink jet printers, in particular with one or several ink jets, one or several ink jet printers, and machines for the graphic trade and in machines for processing print products or paper or synthetic materials or metal or organic or inorganic materials; consultation software (stored), sales software (stored), and software for remote control, remote servicing, remote monitoring, control and/or adjustment of registers and or registrations in printing machines, offset printing machines, machines and machine devices for the graphic trade, and machines and machine devices for processing print products or paper or synthetic materials or metal or organic or inorganic materials; consultation software (stored), sales software (stored), and software for remote control, remote servicing, remote monitoring, control, and/or adjustment or quality control in printing machines, offset printing machines, coating machines, digital printing and labelling machines, ink jet printing machines, Ink jet printers, in particular with one or several ink jets, one or several ink jet printers, and machines and machine devices for the graphic trade, and machines and machine devices for processing print products or paper or synthetic materials or metal or organic or inorganic materials; consultation software (stored), sales software (stored), and software for remote control, remote servicing, remote monitoring, control, and/or adjustment for quality control in lacquer machines, drying machines, drying ovens, pallet change and pallet transfer machines, stapling machines, machines for handling sheets and tin plates, screen printing machines, tampon printing machines, flexoprinting machines, engraving machines, tinplate printing machines, signing machines, hot embossing machines, thermal transfer machines, photo printing machines, label maker machines, engraving machines, Ink jet printing machines, laser labeling machines and laser printing machines; consultation software (stored), sales software (stored), software for remote control, remote servicing, remote monitoring, control and/or adjustment of tension paths in printing machines, offset printing machines, coating machines, digital printing and labelling machines, Ink jet printing machines, Ink jet printers, in particular with one or several ink jets, one or several color ink jet printers, machines and machine devices for the graphic trade, machines and machine devices for processing print products or paper or synthetic materials or metal or organic or inorganic materials; consultation software (stored), sales software (stored), software for data processing devices for printing templates, for printing print products, for processing print products, for print control, for print planning; consultation software (stored), sales software (stored), software for data processing devices for printing machines, for printing print products, for processing print products, for production control, for production planning; consultation software (stored), sales software (stored), software for interfaces and/or data transfer for printing machines, offset rotation printing machines, coating machines, for digital printing and labeling machines, for ink jet machines, for ink jet printers, in particular with one or several ink jets, for one or several ink jet printers, for machines for the graphic trade, from machines for processing print products or paper or their part; consultation software (stored), sales software (stored), software for interfaces and/or data transfer for lacquer machines, drying machines, drying ovens, pallet change and pallet transfer machines, stapling machines, machines for handling sheets and metal plates, screen printing machines, tampon printing machines, flexoprinting machines, engraving machines, tin-plate printing machines, signing machines, hot embossing machines, thermal transfer machines, photo printing machines, label maker machines, engraving machines, ink jet printing devices, laser labeling devices and laser printing devices; software (stored) for remote control, remote servicing, remote monitoring, control and/or adjustment of devices for transporting and/or storing print materials or paper or paper rolls or synthetic materials or rolls of synthetic materials for printing machines, offset printing machines, coating machines, digital printing and labeling machines, Ink jet printing machines, Ink jet printers, in particular with one or several ink jets, one or several ink jet printers, machines and machine devices for the graphic trade, machines and machine devices for processing print products or paper or synthetic materials or metal or organic or inorganic materials; software (stored) for transport, packaging, and storing remote controls, remote servicing, remote monitoring devices, control and/or adjustment devices for transporting and/or storing print products or paper or paper rolls or synthetic materials or rolls of synthetic materials for printing machines, offset printing machines, coping machines, digital printing and labeling machines, ink jet printing machines, Ink jet printers, in particular with one or several ink jets, one or several color ink jet printers, machines and machine devices for the graphic trade and for machines and machine devices for processing print products or paper or synthetic materials or metal or organic or inorganic materials; parts for the goods noted above in so far as contained in class 09; accessories, in so far as contained in class 09, for the above noted Ink jet printers, in particular with one or several ink jets, one or several color ink jet printers.

FAQ's for alphaJET mondo Trademark

The application for alphaJET mondo was made on Oct 11, 2012
The trademark applicant for alphaJET mondo is KBA-METRONIC GMBH.
Trademark application has been filed under the class(es) 7,9.
As per IP India, trademark application is on the following stage: Registered.
Listed application Id of alphaJET mondo is 2410177.
alphaJET mondo Trademark is a DEVICE mark.
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